Suburbs for Sale

I'm calling it quits on my colored pencil drawing of my Suburbia game board.

Here's the finished, signed product.

Suburbia, signed and dated

This was a project that was really beyond my current skills as a colored pencil artist, but I knew that going in. I used it to see what I could and could not do with the medium.

If you don't look too closely and don't know what the original looked like, you might think it's pretty decent. But if you look at the details, especially the text, you'll find plenty of mistakes.

All the hexagonal tiles are the same size and shape in real life. In my "reference photo", which was taken at a slight angle, the tiles are different shapes - but not as different as they are in my drawing.

Many of the tiny details on each tile turned out pretty good. Some of that was by design, some by accident.

I haven't decided what to draw next, but if it's a realistic rendition of something, I'll be sure to pick something simpler than Suburbia. If it's something more impressionistic...well, then it could be almost anything.

The drawing of Suburbia you see above is available for $97.00.

You laugh. I hear you.

But when I'm a famous colored pencil artist in a few years, this one-of-a-kind original will be worth a lot more than $97.00. So, if you want to get in on the ground floor, send me a note.

Hurry. First PayPal transfer gets it.
