Suburbia Looking Sharper

A few days ago, I got my additional, necessary supplies - some erasers and a sharpener.

Prismacolor sharpener and erasers

The sharpener is pretty cool; two out of the three erasers are too.

I didn't realize, when I ordered it, that the sharpener actually has a lid and two holes in which I can insert pencils. (I shoulda read the description, I guess.)

Sharpener with top flipped open

If you look closely at the picture above, you might be able to make out two triangles just below the holes. They're intended to indicate the type of sharpening the associated hole will give you.

The shape on the left is almost an equilateral triangle. The one on the right gives you a...sharper point?

Peering into the sharpening holes

I've used both options and, so far, can't really see much different - some, yes - between the two. All I really care about is that the point of my colored pencil is really, really sharp when I'm done.

I haven't been disappointed in this.

The erasers are a mixed bag in more ways than one.

The gray, kneaded eraser is the disappointing one. The outer "coating" is very hard, almost brittle. If it wasn't stuck to the material in the center, it would crumble.

I haven't really used it in earnest yet.

I'm going to see if I can get a better one at our local Hobby Lobby one of these days.

I haven't had a need to use the white, plastic eraser yet.

The tan, cubic eraser I have used successfully on some of the graphite pencils markings I made in my initial sketch of Suburbia. These were marks that I either no longer needed or that were in slightly the wrong place compared to the rest of the sketch.

Here's my latest version of my Suburbia drawing.

Suburbia, Session 3

What I really need to get yet is a burnisher to smooth out the grainy spots. I'll check into that at Hobby Lobby too.

I'm actually pretty pleased with most of the Fancy Restaurant tile shown below.

Fancy Restaurant

I think you can even tell what those items at the right side of the hex are, can't you?

What I don't like is how off-centered I made the "FANCY RESTAURANT" text at the top. If this were a later creation, I might try to fix it, but since this is my first, I'm just gonna leave it as is and chalk it up to experience.
